Kybella Eliminates Double Chin

If you have a double chin and have been thinking about surgery or liposuction, Procerus Skin Care now offers a non-invasive solution to destroying fat under the chin.   Dr. Gilmore has joined an elite group of physicians to offer patients KybellaTM, an injectable solution to dissolve the superficial fat in a “double chin”.

KybellaTM, approved by the FDA, is injected directly into the chin to destroy fat cells! Kybella will help to improve the contour and the shape of your lower face by eliminating the fat resulting in a more defined chin and jawline.  The degree of submental fullness varies from absent to extreme in both men and women. Depending on the severity, the right candidate may need 2 to 6 treatments.  Kybella’s active ingredient is deoxycholic acid, a compound which destroys fat.  Deoxycholic acid is a similar synthetic version of a molecule that your body produces naturally to break down fat.  When injected, fat membranes are destroyed and the remaining contents are absorbed back into the body.

Patients with apparent loose or lax skin of the neck, or very thin necks with platysmal bands may not receive optimal results and post treatment may need Botox to treat skin laxity in the neck.

double chin
kybella before & after

How Does Kybella Work?

Our medical provider will inject (up to 50 injections) of KybellaTM into the fat directly under your chin.  Most patients will require 2-4 sessions, depending on the size of the area and amount of fat. *The treatment will be repeated every 4-8 weeks until desired results are achieved.  Patients can always wait longer to receive their second session to continue their progress due to events or lifestyle.

*There’s no guarantee of specific results and the results can vary.

how kybella works

What are the Risks?

Side effects include bruising, induration, redness and numbness that can last for up to 4 weeks, and trouble swallowing.  An uncommon side effect is temporary damage to the marginal mandibular nerve, causing an asymmetric smile that will resolve in days or weeks.

How much does Kybella cost?

Price Range: $600 -$2800

To learn more about KybellaTM,  please call 734-794-3786 to schedule your consultation with our Medical Provider.